This lady and I connected a few weeks ago on MySpace and on BBWO. She commented on how beautiful crafted my bags are and then offered a spotlight on her Thursday night Empowerment calls. I was happy to be featured, but more than that, I have been inspired just by reading her profile and blog. On July 27, 2006, Latrina faced her greatest challenge as she faced a nine-millimeter gun while working and forced into a secluded room by the gunman. God spared her life and now she wants to share her story. She has faced homelessness, loneliness and despair. How did she overcome it all? It was by the grace of God. She wants to give to you the tools to make your dreams a reality. God has qualified her to be a culprit to significantly enhance your life. She is described as "Petite and Powerful". She is dynamic!
I look forward to listening to what she has to offer every Thursday Night. Please read more about Latrina below. She is sure to inspire and motive myself and anyone else that tunes in to listen.
Latrina’s live empowerment calls are to empower, inspire, uplift, motivate, transform lives and stimulate the human spirit to reconnect to one's divine reasoning for existing and doing the necessary to live a purpose filled life. To ignite one's spirit to be determined and relentless of having a total successful life and never settling for mediocre regardless of one's challenge. To remind each listener they are more powerful than any challenge they may face.
Now is the time to live with passion, purpose, and direction by living EACH DAY AS IF IT Were YOUR LAST, because it just might be.What have you been putting off? How has your action or non-action delayed your destiny?Each call is going to be LIFE CHANGING! If you are tired of being stuck, know you need to make a decisive move of action to achieve your destiny, tired of living a mediocre life and ready to begin creating the life of your dreams then do not miss this free live empowerment call.
This is the year of change! If you want change, then you have to be the change you want.
Every Thursday
Time: 5:00 pm Pacific (6:00 MST/7:00 CST/8:00 pm EST)
Call-in Number (712) 432-1701 PIN code: 1074210#
Come ready to overcome your fears and begin creating the life of your dreams!
~Latrina L. Johnson
Life Transforming Professional Speaker, Life Guidance Mentor author of Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind and CEO of SAM (Speaking Above Mediocrity),LLC
Please tune in... January 7, 2009
Eco-Chic Grocery totes
Michaela Phifer
Myla's Bags
Labels: Handbag Preview
Recycled Tees = Cute Totes
Here is the bag that I created from a shirt my daughter bought me for Mother's Day 4 years ago. (for those inquiring minds, it reads, "Worlds Greatest Mom")
Here's what it carrried home from a quick trip to the grocery store today. The bag help about 5-7 lbs worth of stuff. I think I could have put more in... maybe on another trip!
Just for kicks, I thought it would be cool to see how much it could hold. Right here, it hold about 4-5 boxes of cereal. More can be added on top of the cereal and the bag stretches with your items, so no need to worry about ripping open like those cheap plastic bags.
I will be creating so more. I had a few glances during the two weeks I sported it at work. It's a wonderful sized bag and it fits nicely over my shoulder like a large shoulder bag.
Sewing for a very important cause
Labels: Getting Personal
New Style: Lexi
Labels: Handbag Preview
Honeymoon Sale - Sept. 30, 2008- Oct. 11, 2008
Hi All,I am getting ready to go away for my honeymoon. Hopefully once I get back I will be excited to get back into sewing up some new bags for my online store.
Before I go, I wanted to offer some specials for everyone. I am offering 15% off + free shipping for everyone who make a purchase from today until Friday October 3 midnight. Just use coupon code Honeymoon08 for the discount and I will send a revised invoice to remove shipping charges.
After Friday, October 3rd the discount will still apply, but you will have to pay shipping charges.
All items purchase before Friday,October 3 will be shipped out before we leave Saturday afternoon. Anything purchased after that will be shipped out when I return on Friday, October 10.
Please spread the word and thank you for your support.
Owner/Designer of Myla's Bags
Labels: Sale/Deals
Oh That's So Cute
I received a wonderfal package in the mail yesterday. This package came from the Owner of "Oh That's So Cute", Pamela Council. If you haven't already, you must visit her website on Etsy. Pamela sells hand drawn and hand colored greeting cards, note cards and gift tags. What you see online doesn't compare to the product that you will receive from her.
Stop by to see what Pam has to offer. I am sure you will find something that you will fall in love with!
Multipurpose Pouch
For all you that have read the article on "Handbag Undies" this is the perfect accessory for you is the multipurpose pouch.
Labels: Accessory Preview
And the winner is...
Thank you all for stopping by my page and giving much appreciated feedback. I have been trying to keep it up making changes on the website, and will continue to update my page. Please continue to stop by my website and let me know if there are any areas for improvement. I'd like to keep my site updated and fresh and the only way to acheive this is to ask the customer, right? Thank you all for your comment, criticisms and support.
Now down to business. There were alot of entries, but there could only be one winner. I was surprised to see a BBWO member was picked. She's a wonderful artist that designs hand drawn cards. If you haven't already, you must stop by Pamela Council's store and check out all she has to offer.
Congrat's Pamela and thanks again to all who stopped by and gave advice!!
God Bless,
Michaela Butler
Hello Bag Carriers!
Did you know that there is a proper way to carry a handbag? Well as we all know there is a right and a wrong way of doing everything... right? Well, this includes handbag carrying too! Allow me to give a series of lectures in handbag carrying 101.
I've seen many women at the check out stand of a grocery store and/or department store "digging for gold" at the bottom of their bag when it's time to give change. I've even seen girlfriends receive change from a cashier and just "dump" the change in the bottom of their handbag. One of the worst, is the sistah who "dump" and allow uncovered ink pens to roam around her bag and mark up everything it touches... including her cash. But the dumper who should receive a lifetime sentence to carrying a fanny pack (lol) is the sistah who dumps her cosmetics! LADIES... STOP!!!! THIS IS SO UN-DIVA! All of the above mentioned violations can and will be stopped.Did you know that properly carrying a handbag can save money, time, and stress? First, let me tell you how proper handbag carrying can save money.1. Get a coin pouch!Keeping your change in a coin pouch, saves time, money and energy! The coin pouch is a women's triple threat. Knowing where your change is allows you to whip out exact change to that impatient cashier and keeps you from having to turn around and tell the waiting customers behind you a thing or two about patience. Coin pouches saves money because at the end of the year if you keep all your change, you will have close to $400 saved.
2. Keep up with the tops to those ink pens!
Keeping your ink pens covered, helps the bottom of your bags to remain spotless. You should utilize the side zipper for your phone, ink pen, and keys at all times. Nobody likes the stress of searching for a ringing phone or car keys on a rainy or dark night. Using your side zipper will help keep your stress level down and save time as well. Coincidently, you'll also same money because we all know, time is also money... right!
3. Conceal your concealer... and lipstick... and eye shadow oh my!
How many eye shadows have you had to replace because you dumped it in the bottom of you bag, and it broke into a million pieces? How many eyeliners have you replaced because you thought you were out, but in actuality, you dumped it in the bottom of purse #1021 of 3500 in your closet? This is another triple threat! By having two things... ONE spot for all of your cosmetics (a vanity, or a shelf in your linen closet) and a cosmetic bag which holds ONLY the cosmetics you are wearing for that day, you save both money and time. You save money because you have a better since of inventory control, you save time because once again... you eliminate countless search time. You will definitely spend less time stressing over where that M.A.C chestnut lip liner is!
Properly carrying a handbag is not just about rather you choose to drape the strap over your shoulder or in the crease of your arm. How you choose to carry your handbag on the outside is clear. However, if I asked you for $1.93 exactly, how long would it take you to give it to me? If I asked you do see the pot your eye shadow you're wearing looks like, would you be too ashamed to let me see it? A true diva takes pride in what you see and don't see. What's in your handbag is a lot like underwear.... Though it may be unseen, it is still a reflection of who you are.
Article provided by:
Nicci Butler
Hey, Hey, Hey, It's Fat Albert!!
Talk about a blast from the past! I was in Joann's doing my usually searching for unusual fabrics when I came across a familiar face. I pulled out the fabric and was surprised to see that it was the Fat Albert characters. "Whoa", I said out loud, the woman next to me gave me an odd look. I got a bit excited, but soon was disappointed. The fabric was a poly blend, which means, it can't really be made into a bag. I kind of reminded me of something I would make a man's shirt out of or maybe some PJ pants. I quickly put the fabric back and continued to walk around the store. As I walked for a few minutes more (actually about 45 minutes) I decided to just get it anyway.
As I stood in line for the cutting counter, I sat and thought of what I could make with this fabric. If it were a cotton print, I could have easily made it into a drawstring back pack, but it's not. I thought of cutting it apart and making appliques out of the fabric, but what would I apply this applique to?? Still working on that. I was thinking of making up some t-shirts, maybe some totes.
Labels: Random
Hippy Diva Dolls
What an adorable idea to help encourage self esteem in our young girls. So often we watch television and we see actresses being ridiculed for gaining 5 pounds and actresses starving themselves because they don't want to look to "heavy". I don't know about you, but a lot of those same actresses look horrible because almost every bone in their body is protruding for their stomachs, hips, necks and back.
There's nothing wrong with a little junk in the trunk and the front, and as my husband would say... "soft in all the right places" :) These dolls make me smile everytime I see one. I am going to get one for myself, as my family is always getting on me for "gaining weight". I feel good, I look good and I am healthy. There is nothing wrong with being healthy is there??? As long as you feel great, look great and keep healthy why would anything else matter? I enjoy being my size and wish that my daughter would see this and not feel so hard on herself is she were to put on a few pounds.
Check this Diva out on her online store
Check out her blogs too:
Official Grand Opening
So I totally forgot to post a blog about the "Official" Grand Opening of my website. My website has been up and running since April, with many changes here and there, I am 90% satisfied with the way it looks. There are a few things I would love to change, but you know it takes allot of time to complete those changes. Building a website is hard work. Now I know why companies charge allot to create them for you. I spent many days and nights up away from my husband and daughter. Plenty of Saturday's indoors, many lunch breaks doing more on my website than I was eating.
Now that I am semi happy I need help from you all. I am looking for every one's input on my website. What do you like? What do you dislike?? What can I do (in your opinion) to make things user friendly, easier on the eyes, etc. Just leave me some feedback on my site letting me know how you feel. I am one that appreciates any comments (and criticisms) that may come my way to help better my business. Since you will be helping me, I figured I'd run a contest. For everyone that leaves feedback on my site you will be entered to win the new Massie Tote in Retro Red Floral ($35value). So step up and check out my site. Remember to leave feedback before August 15, I will be drawing names on the 16th.
Thanks and Good Luck to all of you that enter!
Late Spring Cleaning
Last night I decided to take new pictures of my handbags. Allot of the pictures that are posted on my store are very poor quality. I have been waiting for my husband to take better pictures for me, but he is a very busy man.
I initially wanted to take them outside, set them on our patio table and take outdoor shots of them. Unfortunately, it was rainy and cold and just plain ugly last night. I pulled the multiple boxes up from the basement and walked them to the second floor of our townhouse. I slowly pulled out each style and took pictures of just about all the bags I had.
I sat a few bags aside, because I hadn't given them a name yet. These are bags that I created on a whim. They are truly one of a kind bags.
In my attemp at starting a business, I decided that it be best to sell them as is and stick with the basic designs that I have right now. There is nothing wrong with these bags. They are made with the same standards of all the bags that I am keeping in my "line". They are just bags that right now, I don't think will be a good seller. You can be the judge of that. Stop by my store and let me know what you think of some of the "Sample" bags I have up for sale.
Stop by soon because these bags are priced to sale and may not last long in the store.
And again....
I am now featured on two blogs here. Itiel (the smell good lady) posted a blog about me as well. It's so nice to see people that are enjoying what I do just as much as I enjoy doing it.
Please stop by her blog to see what she has to say.
Labels: Reviews
My First Time....
So I logged on to my Myspace on Saturday afternoon as was surprised to see this message waiting for me:
I am excited to be featured on this blog. This is my first time being featured on anyone's site. Please stop by the blog and read what she has written.
I found your
Jillian clutch to fly to pass by. So I featured it in my blog. I mainly use my
blog to highlight fab accessory finds at great prices. With that being said you
have been featured becuase of your Jillian clutch. For more exposure I always
suggest the artist place a bulletin and a blog on myspace that states that
you've been featured on Always Accessorize blog, to let all your friends and
potential customers know about your gaining popularity.
www. alwaysaccessorize. com
www. alwaysaccessorize. blogspot. com
Labels: Reviews
4 more months!!
There are 4 more months until my wedding. In all the excitement and preparation, I have been sewing less. It's already been hard trying to start my business, raise a 9 year old and manage a relationship with a wonderful (and understanding) man and work a full time job. I have been blessed with an understanding family, but it seems like things are starting to fall to the wayside the closer it get's to my wedding. I have already done quite a few things... made the invites, started my wedding dress, did some flowers, but it seems like the more I do, the more needs to get done.I'd love to recieve some advice from you ladies on who you "juggle" all that life hands you. It get's hard and seems like there is never enough time in the day. I find myself, logging in and checking out the forums and groups during my full time job (8 -5). Some times, I get home and would rather work on building my business rather than finish preparing for my wedding, or do my "motherly" duties and cook, clean,etc. I guess I just have to keep on moving and do what I can. I can't be superwoman and do it all.
Labels: Getting Personal
Smell Good Spa
Ok, so this post has nothing to do with handbags, but I must comment on the package I recieved yesterday.
I am apart of a online networking forum called Black Business Woman Online. This is a wonderful group. They are very supportive and offer tons of help with anything you can imagine. I would strongly advise you all join. Anyway, I am apart of a group that was creative to give more support to the members of this group. This support can be anything from advice about business, purchasing items, website linking, etc. A few weeks ago, Smell Goods Spa was on the list to be "supported" by all. I quickly logged on her website, and was very interested in a lot of things that she has to offer. She specializes in fragrance oil blends, signature hand-dipped incense, and gourmet made-to-order bath & body products.
When I got home yesterday, I found that my small package was on my door step. I was surprised how fast I recieved my items (there's a 7-14 day production time). I quickly retreived it and went inside, excited to see and smell what was inside. As soon as I opened the box, the air was filled with a wonderful fragrance. I am not sure what the smell was but boy did it smell good.
My home was quickly over run with the wonderful smell of the small package I was sent. I ordered the White ginger body butter, some lip balm and some King aftershave for my husband. Itiel also threw in some samples (fragrance oils, incense cones, more body butter and sachet beads).
I am in love with everything that Itiel sent and will be sure to purchase again. The fragrance that she uses is not very strong or overpowering. I love that everything is made to order, that way I know everything is fresh and hasn't been sitting on a shelf for months.
I strongly advise that everyone that reads this goes to Smell Good Spa and pick an item, pick a flavor and fall in love too!
Love this Fabric
Small Mimi Handbags
Labels: Handbag Preview
Sewing Lessons
When my daughter asked me a month or so ago to sew, I was ecstatic. My daughter and I would finally join and do something we both enjoy. I didn’t think it would to bad teaching her some basic skills (winding bobbins, threading the machine, backstitching, etc.).
I sat her down at the machine and showed her all the different parts. I told her what each part did. I also had her practice stepping on the treadle to learn control. She liked to make it go really fast. I remember sewing when I was younger and thinking that going faster would be better, only to find out that sewing at a slower pace help avoid taking time to correct mistakes.
She did not enjoy pinning and pressing the he of the pillowcase. I explained that sewing is more than just sitting at the machine and sewing. There is a lot more to it. You may not like pinning, or cutting or pressing, but if you do not do these things, your garment may not turn out as great as it could be. After measuring and pinning, she finally got to sew. She sat quietly and did a very good job on trying to keep her stitching straight. There were mistakes but I didn’t want to discourage her by pointing them out.
It took us about 3 hours start to finish creating her pillowcase. She is very proud of what she has done and want’s to move onto creating clothes for her American Girl doll she received for Christmas.
Labels: Getting Personal
Finally I am here on Blogspot. I have been looking around here for awhile and decided to post away. I have a few MySpace accounts, but at times I feel no one really reads your blogs on there anyway. So here's my attempt in blogging and posting all the things that are in my mind. All the ideas and creative visions I have for my bags. I hope you enjoy and come back and comment often.